This lab will give you practice with creating classes and methods. Your assignment is to implement a class called CreditCardAccount. The UML diagram below specifies the instance variables and methods that are members of the CreditCardAccount class. The diagram also specifies the visibility of each member.
While the implementation of the accessor and mutator methods will be straightforward, two of the methods require some specification.
The driver program is supplied for you to test your CreditCardAccount class. If you have implemented CreditCardAccount correctly, you should be able to compile and run CreditCardAccountTester, which will perform various tests on your CreditCardAccount class.
For this assignment you will need to create a Jar file that contains the source code for that you edited as part of
this assignment. Follow these instructions for creating a Jar file.
The Jar file you submit must be named yourlastname_lab5.jar, where yourlastname is your last name